Currently in Petrosani there are the following sport constructions and buildings:

Jiu Stadium with a capacity of 15,500 seats
Str. Lunca, No. 100

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Polyvalent Sports Hall with a capacity of 210 seats
Contact: Str.  December 1, 1918, No. 79; tel: 0254.542.833; e-mail:
– arranged sports fields in school areas
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Sports clubs in Petrosani:

Jiul Petrosani Municipal Sports Club
It was established by Decision of Local Council No. 170/2009 , titled Municipal Sports Club Petrosani, operating under the authority of the Local Council of Petrosani, with the following sections: chess, tennis, table tennis, martial arts.
In 2014 it is named Municipal Sport Club Jiul Petrosani and its sport sections are completed with: boxing, karate, athletics, football, and in 2015 is added swimming and sports motoring.
Contact: Bd. December 1, 1918, No. 93, room 33. Tel: 0254 541220.

– “Stiinta” (Science) Club Sports Petrosani
Playing sports: rugby, skiing

“Stiinta” Petrosani rugby team runs in the Rugby National Division.
Contact: University Str., No. 20; tel. 0254.542.580, interior 271; fax: 0254.541.940

– Petrosani School Sports Club

Playing sports: gymnastics, aerobic gymnastics, wrestling, women’s handball, alpine skiing, sledding, tennis.

Contact: Str. December 1, 1918, No. 79; tel: 0254.542.833; Web:; e-mail: