SALVAMONT  (0725-826 668) is valid for the entire country, and taxation is the Normal price.

Contact Rescue squad Petrosani

Team Head: Barlida Dumitru:

Phone: 0724212580 to 0722757888

Vice Team Head: Stefan Tomus


Phone: 0734 339748

Mountain rescue: Breda Daniel

Phone: 0722 262 776; 0737 503 460

Mountain rescue: Adrian Diaconu

Phone: 0722 332 104

Mountain rescue: Grigoras Dragos

Phone: 0753 095 772

Mountain rescue:Specialist: Marius Jianu

Phone: 0745 526 218; 0766 720 010

Mountain rescue: Pop Claudiu


Phone: 0724 181 136

Mountain rescue ski Instructor: Remus Popescu


Phone: 0734 339 741

Mountain rescue, nurse: Daniela Tomus

Phone: 0769 655 176

Mountain rescue ski instructor Zoltan Cristian

Phone: 0723 128 144

Mountain rescue, paragliding Instructor: Thomas Coconea

Phone: 0735 998 812

Mountain code of conduct

* Plan your trip on the basis of the physical condition and psychological state of the weakest member of the group.

* Hold on to your equipment! Use and wear at all times a proper devise to prevent runaway equipment. Select equipment, materials and food needed, also foreseeing special situations.

* Announce your leave on trail at the cottage and inform yourself about the trail that you go.

* Start your trip early.

* Use your forces carefully and obey the rules concerning  nutrition at effort.

* Do not leave the marked trails.

* Be prepared to provide first aid to the tourists in need.

* Respect and protect the mountain. Leave no trace on your way!

* Camp in specially arranged space.

* Compulsory, the waste must be carried outside the mountain area and deposit into an on-site collection area. Breaking these rules constitute a contravention sanctioned under the provisions of GO No. 2/2001.

Signals on the mountain

* Six signals in a minute, ten seconds each, then break for a minute.

* The signal response consists of three signals per minute, then rest a minute.